27 April, 2011

Green Screen Video Software and its Application

Green Screen Software has revolutionized green screen photography. It has made background replacement easy for amateurs and as well as professionals. In the initial stage the software was limited only to images but with the improvements in technology green screen video software emerged as the replacement of image software. Video software not just replaces green backgrounds but also adds various effects to images and to videos as well.

There are certain points that needs attention before you start using green screen video software. First things is that the lighting should be done in a precise manner. Object and surrounding both should not be overly lighted because over lighting can cause reflections that can make picture look bad. Different sort of lighting scheme should be followed for different set ups. After when the shooting is done the background can be replaced with the help of green screen video software which also supports a variety of effects that can make videos and images attractive.

19 April, 2011

Use Chroma Key Software at home like a Professional

Green Screen Photography is a major achievement in photography it has made photography easier for many professionals and amateurs around the globe. It has given tremendous results without spending much of budget. Many of us like to shoot pictures and videos but when it comes to editing part then the scenario is not that good for all. Editing part is the most crucial part in photography because no matter how well the photo has been shot if it is not developed or edited well there is no point of spending on shooting. But now days there are software to help in editing work.

Chroma Key Software is an innovation that has made dreams of many people come true. You can take your picture in a studio and after editing you can stand in the picture next to your favorite actor. Using this software is not that difficult as it might seems. The computer program comes with a manual that makes it easy going for even a amateur. Doing things in the same way as mentioned in manual you can match up with work done by professional. Simply by keeping few things in mind you can actually work like professional at your home.

05 April, 2011

Get Your Profits Doubled Up With Green Screen Software

Budgeting is a major aspect in media and production field. There are instances where a modest budget can turn the tables and sometimes easy flow of cash can not ensure that things will go as per plans. This is the reason why studio shoots have an edge over outdoors. Studio shoots might not end up that creative as outdoors can be but there is a safety which is always involved in studio shoots. With technology and improvement in photography it has became a reality to create magic like outdoors in studio shoots.

Green Screen technology has made it possible to make studio shoots better and attractive. Use of this technology can do wonders to your business. Suppose if a client wants his family photograph to be a memorable one without even paying the expenses of going there then it can be done easily with green screen software. Then obviously it will cost your client more to get those effects done. Changing the background with green screen software will change the whole look of shooting work and will surely make your profits grow more.