Green screening is the process of digitally replacing the background of one with another background. The background used is of green or blue color. Green color is always preferred as a background as it is farthest from human skin tone and is also sensitive. The green screen studio can be set up with great ease.
For green screen studio set up, the first thing that you need to take care is of lighting. Lighting is the basic thing required in photography. You must have the three point lighting system as in this key light can be used to illuminate the subject and background and fill light can be used to fill up or remove the shadows and third is the back light used to light the background. Then you need to have a green background. You can make this by any paper or green cloth also on the walls. After photographing just replace the green background with another image of your choice.
Setting up green screen studio is very easy and cheap. You can create very attractive images using this technology.