Budgeting is a major aspect in media and production field. There are instances where a modest budget can turn the tables and sometimes easy flow of cash can not ensure that things will go as per plans. This is the reason why studio shoots have an edge over outdoors. Studio shoots might not end up that creative as outdoors can be but there is a safety which is always involved in studio shoots. With technology and improvement in photography it has became a reality to create magic like outdoors in studio shoots.
Green Screen technology has made it possible to make studio shoots better and attractive. Use of this technology can do wonders to your business. Suppose if a client wants his family photograph to be a memorable one without even paying the expenses of going there then it can be done easily with green screen software. Then obviously it will cost your client more to get those effects done. Changing the background with green screen software will change the whole look of shooting work and will surely make your profits grow more.